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Great Clips
Great Clips is the largest hair salon in North America with over 4,200 store locations. The Back to School campaign is a big push to introduce children to the brand.
The Problem
Parents and kids did not see Great Clips as the key to success for starting off the school year. Great Clips had seen a drop in Back to School haircuts over the past few years with shopping for school supplies and clothing taking priority with parents shopping lists. While those items are important, studies showed that confidence heading into a new school year helps children succeed academically and socially.
The Strategy
In schools across the nation, there is an undeniable pecking order based on a series of qualities that make up ‘coolness’. By embracing this reality, Great Clips needed a campaign that established haircuts as the primary currency of cool, in a fun quirky way that brought parents back to the good old days of good time and cool hair.
The Results
• Customer count up 8.6%
• More than 5 million downloads of Greart Clips check-in app
• Full case study:

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